Inclusion Test for Films

Tony Bentley

IMDB Credits (since 2000)24
Avg Box Office34M
Recent Films
Billionaire Boys ClubYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Biography, Drama, Thriller2018 30
Shock and AweYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Biography, Drama, History2017 37
Don't Kill ItYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Action, Comedy, Fantasy2016 3
The Big ShortYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Biography, Comedy, Drama2015 76
Return to SenderYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Drama, Thriller2015 16
Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful LoserYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Comedy2015 60
Empire StateYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Crime, Thriller2013 31
BurĂ´kun ShitiYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Crime, Drama, Thriller2013 20M15
Dallas Buyers ClubYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Biography, Drama2013 24M23
Hateship LoveshipYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Drama, Romance2013 51K15