Inclusion Test for Films

Susanne Sutchy

IMDB Credits (since 2000)7
Avg Box Office0
Recent Films
The YanklesYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Sport2009 5
Minor DetailsYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Adventure, Family, Mystery2009 11
Read It and WeepYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Comedy, Drama, Family2006 31
Attack of the SabretoothYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi2005 6
Left Behind II: Tribulation ForceYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Action, Drama, Fantasy2002 27
MercyYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Mystery, Thriller2000 17
BruiserYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Horror, Mystery2000 13