Inclusion Test for Films

Vandana Shiva

IMDB Credits (since 2000)11
Avg Box Office521K
Recent Films
The True CostYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary, Biography, Drama2015 3
GMO OMGYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary2013 40K2
The Ghosts in Our MachineYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary2013 20K20
Symphony of the SoilYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary, Adventure, History2012 3
ThriveYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary, Sci-Fi2011 13
Queen of the Sun: What Are the Bees Telling Us?YearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary, Drama2010 15
Dirt! The MovieYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary2009 3
Flow: For Love of WaterYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary2008 143K42
Blue Gold: World Water WarsYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary2008 9
Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American EmpireYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary2004 23