Inclusion Test for Films

Connie Chung

IMDB Credits (since 2000)13
Avg Box Office15M
Recent Films
I, TonyaYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Biography, Comedy, Drama2017 29M49
The Price of GoldYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary, Biography, History2017 4
Oklahoma CityYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary, History2017 6
O.J.: Made in AmericaYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary, Biography, Crime2016 93
Eat That Question: Frank Zappa in His Own WordsYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary, Biography, Music2016 355K15
Black MassYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Biography, Crime, Drama2015 49M77
Mad As HellYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary, Biography, Comedy2014 3
Killer LegendsYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary, Crime, History2014 27
Big MiracleYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Biography, Drama, Romance2012 20M71
EthosYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary2011 38