Inclusion Test for Films

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Height5'2" (1.57 m)
IMDB Credits (since 2000)20
Avg Box Office44M
Recent Films
Vietnam in HDYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary, War2018 8
JewtopiaYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Comedy, Romance2012 46K14
The Lost ValentineYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Drama, Romance2011 1
CaféYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Drama2011 2
The Client ListYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Drama2010 1
DelgoYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Animation, Adventure, Comedy2008 512K3
Tropic ThunderYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Action, Comedy2008 110M39
Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher FilmYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Documentary, Horror2006 141
Garfield: A Tail of Two KittiesYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Animation, Comedy, Family2006 28M2
Confessions of a Sociopathic Social ClimberYearBox OfficeCredit Order Ranking
Comedy, Romance2005 1